Order API Issue (URGENT)

We have an issue adding a new store from Lightspeed using Patchworks, the error is as follows:

After investigation and checking further, we can confirm the issue is with Veeqo.

Please could you send Veeqo the following information:

The URL/endpoint we send the data to:

The payload we send:
{“order”:{“channel_id”:“Redacted”,“customer_id”:“Reacted”,“deliver_to_id”:“Redacted”,“delivery_cost”:“0”,“total_discounts”:“0”,“additional_order_level_taxless_discount”:“0”,“total_tax”:“0”,“delivery_method_id”:“Redacted”,“due_date”:“2024-05-31T16:11:36+00:00”,“number”:“ACG-7”,“send_notification_email”:“false”,“line_items_attributes”:[{“sellable_id”:“Redacted”,“quantity”:3,“price_per_unit”:“1.0200”,“tax_rate”:“0”,“taxless_discount_per_unit”:“0.0000”}],“employee_notes_attributes”:[{“text”:“Vend PO No ACG-7”}],“payment_attributes”:{“payment_type”:“bank transfer”}}}

The error message we are getting is:
Client error: POST [https://api.veeqo.com/orders](https://api.veeqo.com/orders`) resulted in a 404 Not Found response:
{“error_messages”:“Not found”}


I’ve been sent here to seek help with this, This is Urgent.
Any help would be appreciated.
Many Thanks,

Hey @mike-taov,
A 404 error is likely the result of one of the ID of the entities (channel_id, customer_id, deliver_to_id, delivery_method_id, sellable_id, etc.) not existing. If it’s possible for you to share any of these then I can check whether they exist.

Do you have an e-mail I can send it to please, rather than posting the data publicly?

If you prefer, you can click my profile name and select ‘Message’ to send me a private message.

For some reason I can’t see the message option, maybe it’s due to my being a new user?