Different currencies in orders (cross-currency selling issue)

Hello everyone,

In the post from 3 years ago you mentioned that it would be possible to assign a currency to an order by providing a currency code in the POST request. When I do it, the order is created successfully, however, the currency is always inherited from the channel.

My request body is:

    "order": {
        "channel_id": 74135,
        "customer_id": 67764606,
        "deliver_to_id": 190532679,
        "delivery_method_id": 301344,
        "currency_code": "GBP",
        "status": "awaiting_payment",
        "line_items_attributes": [
                "sellable_id": 49639151,
                "price_per_unit": "100.53",
                "quantity": "1"

Additionally, whenever I do a PUT request to update the currency (with the currency_code field set), I get a response with a 400 status code and a “Change of currency_code not allowed!” message.

Could you please advise here?