I need to be able to retrieve a cost of shipping label

I am considering switching from shipstation but we need to be able to pull certain shipped order data through API for our automated workflow.

I was able to see everything I need but the cost of the shipping label.

Is this something that could be fixed?


Did you ever find a solution for this? I am running into the same issue.

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Hey @A0001, @kkrause,

Sorry for the delay in this query, currently we do not have this feature implemented, but it sounds we should, so if you can submit a feature request asking for it we are going to be more than glad to take it in count,

Thank you!

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We are hitting the same roadblock trying to transition to Veeqo from ShipRush, but we need to be able to build a flow to import tracking and shipping cost to our ERP system because there is no native integration. The actual shipping cost paid is a vital piece of info for our accounting team. Is this on the roadmap to expose in the API anytime soon?