We're getting a "Not Found" error when submitting this payload

01-30-2024 - Error on Creating Order in Veeqo: {“error_messages”:“Not found”}

I can’t find anything wrong with the data, and there’s not a clear reason for the lack of results.

order: {
channel_id: 162558,
customer_id: 225969492,
deliver_to_id: 711674430,
delivery_method_id: 461226,
number: “SO-02946”,
line_items_attributes: [
sellable_id: 187640125,
price_per_unit: 1.9,
quantity: 40.00,
tax_rate: 0.080625,
taxless_discount_per_unit: 0
sellable_id: 162063102,
price_per_unit: 6.95,
quantity: 1.00,
tax_rate: 0.080625,
taxless_discount_per_unit: 0
payment_attributes: {
payment_type: “credit_card”,
reference_number: “87403”

Hello @mablower

In this case I can see the Sellable: 187640125

It was deleted, hence this its unable to find this object and hence the Not Found error.

It was deleted at: Wed, 03 Jan 2024 19:08:47 UTC +00:00

Please let me know if there is any other questions.
