Order Status - Recharge Payments /Subscriptions - Awaiting Payment

We use recharge payments for subscriptions. All of our subscription orders are left in “Payment Required” status in Veeqo even after the order has been processed on BigCommerce and the order has been shipped in Veeqo. This includes repeat orders pushed back via API and first-time subscription orders. Everything works perfectly on non-subscription orders.

This presents us with many downstream problems. And, I’m assuming this is because the orders are still technically “open”.

  1. Once we process and ship the order in Veeqo, the order status remains in “Payment Required” status and the shipping/tracking information is not passed back to BigCommerce and shared with customers. We have to do this manually for every single subscription order daily and it’s becoming a full-time job with 600 subscribers.

  2. I have to manually change the status of subscription orders in BigCommerce from “Awaiting Fulfilment” to “Shipped” for every single one daily.

  3. Because the orders are in “Awaiting Payment” status in Veeqo, this is having a big impact on financial reporting in Quickbooks because all of these orders are now flowing to Accounts Receivable, not Revenue as they should.

Does anyone have any insight into what a solution for this might be?

Hey @deadsoxy,
You can make a POST request to the /payments endpoint to create a payment for an order. The body of your request should contain the internal order ID and the payment type, and can optionally have a reference number. It should look like this:

      "order_id": 278260450,
      "payment_type": "credit_card",
      "reference_number": 12345

Hopefully you can use this to automate the payment creation process.

Thank you for your help. Where do I add this line of code? In BigCommerce or Payment processor?

If possible I’d recommend making the POST request in the payment processor. That way order in Veeqo is marked as paid as soon as the payment is successful, and it should sync that with BigCommerce.

I can’t find this endpoint in the veeqo api docs (API Docs - Veeqo Developers)
Does anyone know of any documentation for this?

Hey Andrew

This is currently undocumented, we are working on updating all docs in the New Year. Is there anything specific I can help you with in the meantime


We will try out that endpoint and see where we end up. Thank you for the reply!

:+1: let me know if you need anything