Hi, I want some of my admins to be able to create products in the Veeqo portal and add in custom fields. I can’t see any options for that in the UI. How can I add in custom attributes or fields to the products within Veeqo? The data that is currenty in there is not relevant to my business case.
Hey @ridhwan,
Thanks for your enquiry. You can add properties to a product in the UI by navigating to the products page by clicking the link at the very bottom of the inventory page. From there you can select a product and add a custom property in the Properties tab. You can also edit product variants to specify an override value if needed.
Hi, Thanks. That is helpful to see that products page. I was able to use the API to create the product property and retrieve it, but this only allows me to retrieve properties for a single product. Ideally this would be returned in the products call. Is there a way to do this? I need to store additional data about these products and load in a lot of products at once on my website.There is a request limit of 5 requests per second, so calling the get https://api.veeqo.com/products/{product_id}/product_property_specifics for each product isn’t really a good option for me. I’d love some support on this, thanks!
Hey @ridhwan, at the moment we only support pulling product properties on a product-by-product basis. You could submit a feature request if you’d like to see this functionality in the future though.